Saturday, March 24, 2012

how to install windows 7 on Linux/Ubuntu

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Today I'm going to show you, how to install Windows on Linux for Developers 

The way that we're going to get Windows onto Linux is by using a program called Wine, 

which is a Windows emulator for Linux. 

To get this installed, on your Linux desktop, pull up a command prompt, and we're going to install Wine 

by tying in, s-u-d-o, which is a sudo command that allows you administrative access to the computer;

 apt-get space, and we're going to type, wine; sorry, we need to say install, before wine. 

That's going to connect to the Internet repositories, and it's going to download Wine and install it. 

I already have Wine installed as it says here, "Wine is already the newest version". 

If you didn't have it installed, it will go through the process of downloading and installing the program.

Now to run a Windows program, as you can see, I have a Notepad.exe from a Window installation on my

 desktop. To run that program, at the command line, just type, wine, space, and then the command you

 want to run, Notepad will then pop up on your computer.

 My name is Dave Andrews, and I've just showed you how to install Windows on Linux.

Enjoy :)


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