Sunday, April 8, 2012

Nokia 1280 screen rotation trick

Here's what i found while playing around with the mobile phone - Nokia 1280.
Nokia 1280 is a decent phone for a person finding a phone with a very low budget.
As you guys know, i like to experiment with gadgets as soon as i get one. So without wasting a single second of my life i started tweaking.

Within an hour i got to know that the screen of this phone can perform in a very interesting way,

By pressing the code


I got surprised with this and I reverted it back by pressing


I made the screen look good again like this

This is the rotating story of Nokia 1280, hope you enjoyed it.....!


10 Nokia xif u forgot wallet code 4 nokia s60'phone
use this:  *#7370925538#
 Press: *#39925538# To delet contents code

Nokia CrickeT Game Secret CoDe 12105640 Is sy App OuT Nahin hon Gay

Nokia mobile me bounce game khelo lekin game over nahi hoga jab game on karo to us waqt 7878098 milo

Nokia code Stop Sim Clock *#746025625# Rotate screen 1110,1112.1600,6161 1280 1208 *#5511# *#5512# *#5513# *#5514#

Nokia Secret Codes: Clear Operator Logo *#67705646# Recieve Data Fast via B.tooth *#2820# other Info *#92702689#

*#06# for checking the IMEI

(International Mobile Equipment Identity).

*#7780# Factory Reset

*#67705646# Clear the LCD display

*#0000# Check Your software version.

*#2820# Check your Bluetooth device address.

*#746025625# Sim Clock Status.

*#62209526# Display the MAC adress of WLAN

#pw+1234567890+1# Shows SIM Restriction.

*#92702689# Secret menus where u can found:

Serial Number.

Manufacturing Date

Purchasing Date

Last Repair Date

Shows life timer


Enhanced Full Rate Codec

Increase your signal strength

Increase your GPRS speed

Increase Battery Life

*#4720# Half Rate Codec activation.

*#4720* Half Rate Codec deactivation. The phone will automatically restart

*#7370925538# Reset your wallet code of nokia S60 Like (nokia 6600, Nokia 7610, etc)


  1. Itz Cool dude! BuT d trick was 5-6 yearz old !

  2. yeah , but it is not common to all so i shared it ,
    share with ur friends -Admin

  3. Replies
    1. good , but this trick is for those who dont know :)

  4. Article copied from my site. At least give credits dude. Don't just copy paste everything you see on the internet.
